


Women/Girls at Risk

35% of women worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence
or non-partner sexual violence. Globally, 7% of women have been sexually assaulted by someone
other than a partner. Globally, as many as 38% of murders of women are committed by an intimate partner.
200 million women have experienced female genital mutilation/cutting.

This issue is not only devastating for survivors of violence and their families, but also entails significant social and economic costs. In some countries, violence against women is estimated to cost countries up to 3.7% of their GDP – more than double what most governments spend on education.

Failure to address this issue also entails a significant cost for the future. Numerous studies have shown that children growing up with violence are more likely to become survivors themselves or perpetrators of violence in the future. One characteristic of gender-based violence is that it knows no social or economic boundaries and affects women and girls of all socio-economic backgrounds: this issue needs to be addressed in both developing and developed countries.

Decreasing violence against women and girls requires a community-based, multi-pronged approach, and sustained engagement with multiple stakeholders. The most effective initiatives address underlying risk factors for violence, including social norms regarding gender roles and the acceptability of violence.

Our Strategies are:

  •  Through research and learning, and collaboration with stakeholders at the grassroot levels
  •  Working with the local and religious leaders on championing responsive gender activities that harmonize the peaceful coexistence between men and women.
  •  Men and Women working together- Establishing women and men clubs at the community levels for engagements.
  •  Safe Clubs in Schools; Training teachers, pupils in schools to be GBV free generations.
  •  Join advocacy: championing a collaborative advocacy both at the community and national levels.
  •  Training and disseminations of information on gender issues. sharing knowledge and build evidence on what works to address violence against women and girls.

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